Most known for playing the dryly comedic Detective Rosa Diaz on FOX/NBC’s hit comedy “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” Stephanie Beatriz has been cracking audiences up for a while with her trademark deadpan delivery. Many might have first spotted the actor delving into the recurring guest spot of Gloria Pritchett’s (Sofia Vergara) sister, Sonia, on ABC’s “Modern Family.” Interviewed in 2021 by Rama’s Screen, Beatriz thanked the show that brought her into many households for the first time. “I was so happy to be invited back,” she said of the final season of “Modern Family” in 2020.
But it was her larger role on the star-studded “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” (which has an ensemble cast led by former “Saturday Night Live” funnyman Andy Samberg) that made Beatriz something of a comedic icon. Variety described Rosa’s revelation she was bisexual on the show’s 100th episode as a “watershed moment,” not least because Beatriz herself — who also identifies as bisexual — had input in her character’s arc. “Really what I hope is that the writers are able to show a little more … of what it means to be bi or pan or queer,” she explained.
Needless to say, the actor, who announced her pregnancy along with husband Brad Hoss on June 2, has won over audiences. Now starring in June’s release, the long-awaited Lin-Manuel Miranda musical film “In the Heights,” Beatriz has come a long way from being just “Gloria’s sister.” Let’s see how much this rising star is worth in 2021.
Stephanie Beatriz's story embodies the American Dream
Stephanie Beatriz is estimated at a cool $2 million per Celebrity Net Worth. However, speaking to New Zealand’s Stuff in 2017, she revealed she once possessed far less before scoring her star-making turn on “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” in 2013. “I was teaching workout classes at the time. I had $200 in the bank when I booked ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine,'” she told the outlet. Born in Argentina and immigrating to the states at 2 years old, Beatriz grew up, in her words, “not wealthy” and attributed her work ethic to her parents. “I never really wanted anything because my parents are definitely hard workers,” she shared. “My family was never in a position to save money. It was always, ‘Just make it through the month … and make sure the kids are fed.’ “
Per the actor, her parents desired the American dream for her if they couldn’t achieve it directly for themselves. On that end, the actor has done well — and then some! In June 2020, following a week of protests after George Floyd’s death in late May 2020, Beatriz donated $11,000 to bail funds for those incriminated or detained for illegal immigration during the COVID-19 pandemic, per her tweet. (She was the second to do so, after “The Tick” alum Griffin Newman called for all actors on police procedural shows to match his own $11,000 contribution, reported the Daily News.) That is definitely an example of utilizing one’s success with grace!
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