A LANDLORD has revealed her tenant will have a bedsheet as a wall and he will be charged extra for using the washing machine.
As the cost-of-living crisis continues and Brits are expected to suffer through it for more than another year, most people are looking into different ways to spend less where possible.
But for some, like one extreme cheapskate, from the US, saving money has become such an obsession, they will give being cheap a new meaning.
Appearing on TLC Extreme Cheapskates, one mum, Kia Cambridge, explained how she was ''really glad'' that her 18-year-old son, Alex, was heading off to college.
Whilst it might've been an emotional moment between the two, this also meant that Kia, a PR executive, could sublet his room and earn some extra cash.
Upon saying one final goodbye to his mum, Alex, who claimed he wouldn't miss her ''frugal ways at all'', said he was surprised to leave only with one bag.
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''I was expecting to leave with my whole bedroom but instead, all I got was my computer, an air mattress and some clothes.''
Speaking to the camera, Kia then explained that Alex had made a ''sacrifice'' which meant she was able to rent the room out without spending a penny to buy new furniture.
''I feel bad for the tenant who has to live with her because she's just such a cheapskate,'' her son said.
And indeed she likes to spend as little as possible, as in order to divide the room, Kia had installed a large bedsheet as a wall.
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Showing off the room to potential tenants who had come around to view the property, Kia revealed her logic.
''The other things on the other side of the sheet are not included – unless you pay for them.''
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Amongst these, the penny pincher said, were the washer, the dryer and the kitchen.
Instead, the room came with a mini fridge, a hot plate, some cutlery, two cups, a bowl and a plate.
To spend as little as possible and cut the energy bills, Kia had switched off the main fridge and the stove, meaning the kitchen was off-limits for tenants – with the exception that they pay.
''What you're paying for here is the common area, the bedroom and the bathroom.''
But although two of the three viewers were not pleased to learn about the set of rules, luckily for Kia she found a person who was happy with the room and the bedsheet floating around.
Viewers were slightly taken aback by Kia's penny pinching methods, with one commenting: ''Alex shouldn't have had to leave behind his belongings.
''It's not his responsibility to provide the furnishings just so his mother could rent out his room.''
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A second agreed, writing: ''The kids is speaking like he was a guest at his own moms house his entire life [sic].''
Another chuckled: ''Well she certainly saved money on that cheap a** wig she's rocking!''
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