Anderson Cooper Spits Out His Drink After Being Pressed by Gayle King About Threesomes on WWHL

The question came after 'WWHL' host, Andy Cohen grilled Cooper about his sex life and bedroom deal breakers, making the longtime CNN anchor increasingly uncomfortable.

Anderson Cooper likes to keep his sex life private, But that’s hard to do when Andy Cohen is around!

While appearing on Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live talk show alongside fellow journalist, Gayle King, Cohen broke out a Wheel of Fortune-esque spinner to reveal Cooper’s dating deal breakers, when the topic of threesomes came up.

“Would you date someone that asked to bring a third into the bedroom?” Cohen asks.

“No,” Cooper firmly responds. But the WWHL host, whose spoken about the topic of threesomes with Cooper in the past, isn’t so sold on that answer, sarcastically shooting back, “Oh, really? I forgot, we’re on TV.”

After a few more NSFW questions, including a tidbit about Cohen’s penchant for “nipple play,” King’s curiosity is sparked, with the CBS anchor asking Cohen, “Wait a second Andy, Could I ask why you know that Anderson is open to threesomes in the bedroom?”

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In almost spit-take like fashion, Cooper shoots out his drink, eliciting an eruption of laughter from the small studio audience.

“Sorry,” he says profusely before attempting to wipe up the dark splatters of soda from the multi-colored carpet.

A very annoyed Cohen takes a second to grimace over the stained carpet before delivering his all-knowing answer, telling King, “Just because… mother’s intuition.”

Elsewhere during the game, Cooper revealed that he isn’t into splitting the check and he wouldn’t mind dating someone more than 20-years his junior, something Cohen said he was well aware of as well, adding, “Oh, she don’t care about that.”

“I mean…,” the 56-year-old TV personality says, confirming that younger guys aren’t out of the question for him.

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Speaking of NSFW, the trio also dished on recreational drugs, after a fan wrote in asking what it would take for King to dabble in some marijuana with her bestie, Oprah Winfrey.

“Oprah’s long said that she wants to get you high since you’ve never had weed. What’s it gonna take for you, Orpah and Andy to take some edibles? Cohen asks.

“Have you ever had edibles?” King asks Cohen, prompting Cooper to burst into a fit of his famous high-pitched laughter.

“You mean today?” Cohen asks. “No, I’m straight today.”

“I’m gonna try it one day,” King shares, after Anderson says he’s tried edible marijuana treats in the past.

See more in the clip below:

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