Kate Middleton’s body language more ‘powerful and genuine’ without William at solo event

Kate Middleton thanks nurses for ‘fantastic’ work

Kate Middleton and Prince William have been attending virtual events during the coronavirus pandemic. Speaking exclusively to Express.co.uk, a body language expert revealed why Kate appeared different when without her husband.

Kate spoke to a number of nurses about their experiences working during the coronavirus pandemic in a video posted on the ‘KensingtonPalace’ Twitter page.

During the engagement, Judi explained the Duchess of Cambridge looked different than when she is with her husband.

She commented: “There are some subtle and not-so-subtle changes to Kate’s body language as she makes this virtual solo visit to medical staff, rather than appearing as half of a duo with her husband.

“Like all good double-acts, William and Kate tend to work using subliminal mirroring that emerges in pitch-perfect choreography, taking it in turns to speak and listen to both their audience and one another.

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“Kate can often appear to lead when she is with her husband but he can be the one adding the jokes and the humour in between the more serious signals of concern, while Kate responds with supportive smiles and laughter.”

While the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge work well as a double act, the expert suggested being alone gives Kate more freedom.

She continued: “Sharing the ‘stage’ will always lead to some body language repression.

“Here, though, we have Kate sitting alone on the sofa and that means she is free to open up more in terms of her gesticulation and her movements.

“Instead of the signature ‘talking heads’ poses with William, Kate has moved the camera back here to allow us to see background, setting and, importantly, her hand gestures and body movements.”

When appearing alone, Kate focused on listening to those she is speaking with and she used more animated hand gestures, Judi continued.

The expert said: “Listening alone to the stories of front-line experts, we can see Kate employ some complex listening skills. Sophie spoke about going to a ‘dark place’ listening to some of the tragic stories from survivors of sexual abuse but she also spoke about shared laughter and fun with them.

“Kate is listening to stories from the front line of the pandemic here but there are also some gently humorous touches too and we can see her both laughing and looking concerned in a short space of time.

“When she voices her own thoughts though she uses hand gestures in a way that she doesn’t with William and they add to the power and the congruence of her messages.

“Her confidently casual, straighter hairstyle and her simple but sharp shirt and jacket might suggest a business-like approach but her gesticulation suggests energy, commitment and a genuine desire to help and campaign as well as support.”

Kate’s powerful body language could also hint at her future role of Queen Consort, the expert added.

In the video, the mother-of-three seemed energetic and hinted at a possible future role as a campaigner within the Royal Family.

Judi stated: “Kate gesticulates with both hands here and uses small body-movements to add energy and force to her words.

“When we use both hands in identical gestures we usually show total belief in our message, hinting that Kate has been accruing knowledge and experience from all the stories she has been hearing.

“She also uses an upward finger-pinch gesture that usually suggests precise thinking and impassioned, persuasive thinking.

“We haven’t seen Kate in the role of campaigner yet as it is one that her husband and her brother-in-law tend to hold close to their chests but there are clues from her body language here that it is one she could comfortably move into and even take forward into her future role as Queen.”

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