Horoscope today, September 22, 2023: Daily star sign guide from Mystic Meg | The Sun

OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died earlier this year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.

Read on to see what’s written in the stars for you today. 


March 21 to April 20

You learn new skills so fast today – and shine at work.

But when it comes to love, cooking a spicy meal together makes romantic talking easier.

Yes, making life more successful for people who matter to you feels right – but do set aside time to be good to yourself, too.

Get all the latest Aries horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


April 21 to May 21

The moon selects you as the most sensual love star in the zodiac.

What may start as a fun night out could fulfil relationship hopes.

If you’re free for new love, an all-action Aries could appear.

At work, someone who has earned your respect is the key to success.

Get all the latest Taurus horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

Horoscope traits

What does your star sign mean for you?

Aries – The best and worst characteristics of the head of the zodiac
Aquarius – The traits you need to know for the air sign
Capricorn – What does this star sign mean for your personality?
Cancer – The key traits for the sign include a keen love of food
Gemini – The traits to be aware of for the sign with a symbol of twins
Leo – The best and worst characteristics of the fire sign
Libra – What does the seventh star sign mean for your personality?
Pisces – The key traits for the sign include an interest in the arts
Sagittarius – The traits you need to know for the fire sign
Scorpio – What does this star sign mean for your personality?
Taurus – The best and worst characteristics of the earth sign
Virgo – The key traits for the sign include loyalty and kindness


May 22 to June 21

Try to hide your surprise when someone you hardly know asks for love advice.

This can be their approach ploy – so give a generous reply if you like them.

If a job that fascinates you is up for grabs, show your interest. Luck brings an old “C” friend back into your life.

Get all the latest Gemini horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


June 22 to July 22

What you consider a hobby can be hiding genuine talent and it’s worth seeing how far it could take you. 

With love, if you feel you’re doing too much of the work, a quiet chat can prove how much a partner values you.

Single? A sports star look-a-like could be The One.

Get all the latest Cancer horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


July 23 to August 23

Just as the sun leaves the cash zone of your chart, it makes a powerful connection with the moon.

If you are in a relationship, it can go from good to intriguing when you talk shared finances. 

Single? You fall for a Virgo cash expert, sharing a mutual, strong attraction.  

Get all the latest Leo horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

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August 24 to September 22

Neptune charms out your ability to read minds – and help others achieve their dreams.

Today, just one look at anyone means you know what they would be like to love. 

In relationships, keeping a promise to get fit together draws you even closer. Luck has a “W” name.

Get all the latest Virgo horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


September 23 to October 23

Mind-sharpening Mercury sets you up to use your secret skills, plus inspires you to learn new ones.

Venus keeps your love life sizzling when you meet someone from the advertising or fashion world.

In a relationship? A late night message shows how strong love is.

Get all the latest Libra horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

List of 12 star signs

The traditional dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below.

  • Capricorn: December 22 – January 20
  • Aquarius: January 21 – February 18
  • Pisces: February 19 – March 20
  • Aries: March 21 – April 20
  • Taurus: April 21 – May 21
  • Gemini: May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer:  June 22 – July 22
  • Leo: July 23 – August 23
  • Virgo: August 24 – September 22
  • Libra: September 23 – October 23
  • Scorpio: October 24 – November 22
  • Sagittarius: November 23 – December 21


October 24 to November 22

Your mind is super sharp and you can impress the one person who really matters to you.

Love feelings are straightforward and are put into simple words – making them extra special.

If you are looking for love, you could be in the same check-out queue as your soulmate.

Get all the latest Scorpio horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


November 23 to December 21

The moon in your birth sign helps you go deeper into the love zone – as you need more than surface attraction to hold your heart.

Two people can promise to be passionate partners – but also provide the freedom for solo success.

Luck smiles as disco music starts.

Get all the latest Sagittarius horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


December 22 to January 20

Belief in yourself grows all day, and by tonight, a job that felt like too much, seems perfect.

You have natural research skills, ready to fill gaps in the family’s history with exciting results.

Single? “P” may seem too much of a show-off – but soon attraction takes over. 

Get all the latest Capricorn horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


January 21 to February 18

Mercury and Venus focus on love that is suddenly growing stronger.

Meaning decisions left on pause can now be made – about where you want to live and work.

Single? You can meet a mate where art is on show. The luck factor is strong when sisters play on the same team.

Get all the latest Aquarius horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


February 19 to March 20

Saturn gives you an air of seriousness that impresses everyone you meet.

This hard-working Pisces version is so sexy.

A family, and/or partner,  are very proud – even if they don’t say so.

If you’re seeking new love, a Cancer who loves to dance is a hot prospect.

Get all the latest Pisces horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

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