DEAR DEIDRE: MY partner is so proud of his manhood that he makes me call him “big boy” in bed.
But the truth is, he’s too large for me.
Penetrative sex is painful and I can’t endure it for more than a few minutes.
I’m 30 and he’s 32. We’ve been together for two years.
Lately, I’ve been avoiding sex altogether as I can’t put up with the discomfort.
He’s started to notice that I’m always “too tired” or “not in the mood” and keeps asking if I still fancy him.
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I love him deeply and I do want to have a future with him. But the thought of a lifetime of painful sex makes me miserable.
I have mentioned this to some of my friends.
They just laughed and said I was boasting, and were jealous.
DEIDRE SAYS: Big is not always better.
While the vagina can stretch to fit any size penis, a very large or long one can make sex extremely uncomfortable.
Be honest with your partner so you can work on your love life together.
It is likely you need more foreplay so you are aroused before sex.
Also try using a lubricant, such as KY Jelly.
Experiment with different positions, such as “woman on top”, so you are more in control of the penetration.
My support pack, Too Large, has more helpful advice.
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