BBC Breakfast’s Dan Walker furiously slams Boris Johnson for ‘not knowing rules’

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Fuming Dan Walker hit out at Boris Johnson for 'not knowing the rules' amid the government's lockdown party scandal.

The BBC Breakfast host ranted about the prime minister in front of the nation on his BBC morning show – where he joined co-star Sally Nugent on the red sofa.

At one point, he even suggested Boris should get the boot as he asked: "How can that be the man in charge?"

Dan vented his frustration to Armed Forces Minister James Heappey on Wednesday's Breakfast (January 19).

Dan said: "The vast majority of people are judging him from what they’ve seen in public because that’s the only opportunity they get.

"Yesterday, they did see him in public. You just said he’s a man with his head in the detail and a man who has his hand on the tiller is the way you were describing him.

“Yesterday, our viewers and many others saw him say that no one warned him that what he saw in May 2020 in Downing Street was against the rules.

"And you’ve just told us he’s the man making the rules and that’s what we see.

He went on: "We see the Prime Minister, the man who has made the rules that all of us have to follow and yet here he is saying that no one explained to him that what he saw in that Downing Street garden was against the rules.

"How can that be the man in charge?"

The MP replied: "Dan, I completely get your anger, your take on things.

"It’s the same as hundreds of my constituents.

"I worked in Downing Street as the Prime Minister’s Private Secretary I’ve seen the way his days are put together.

"In my previous answer, I said he’s in the detail he needs to be in.

"No Prime Minister, not Boris nor any other can possibly…"

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  • BBC
  • Boris Johnson
  • Dan Walker
  • BBC Breakfast

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