Emmerdale fans convinced Meena will become pregnant in jail by prison guard Ian

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Meena Jutla and prison officer Ian seem to have become fairly close during the last few weeks but some fans reckon their relationship is more than meets the eye.

The serial murderer has been trying her best to prove her innocence and has struck up a friendship with Ian while she remains behind bars.

After much evident flirtation between the pair, viewers believe that Meena could possibly end up pregnant for the smitten officer.

Taking to Twitter, fans shared their thoughts.

One person wrote: "Hope Meena doesn't end up pregnant from Ian the screw. Can't imagine a Meena 2.0."

Another said: "Wonder if Meena and Ian had a s**g in the back of a black maria on the way to court."

While a third added: "Ian needs to go to horny jail, not Meena jail."

But some viewers also feel certain that Ian may be an "undercover copper" who is trying to find out more information on the deviant nurse.

Heading straight to Twitter to share their thoughts, one person wrote: "I wonder if Ian is there, to see if Meena says anything to incriminate herself to him, because he's not acting like a prison officer should and that expression on his face at the end, tells me something isn't right with him."

Another viewer previously said: "Now I've been thinking … Ian the prison officer who is actually a police officer who’ll be called as a last minute character witness to wipe the smug smile off Meena’s face, once & for all. The villagers need justice."

While another asked: "Does anyone else think ‘Ian’ is an undercover copper getting info on Meena?"

During Tuesday's episode, Manpreet Sharma took the stand to testify against her sister.

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