Wheel of Fortune contestant could not be more wrong

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We’ve seen many a perplexing Wheel of Fortune blunder, but one hapless contestant in the US couldn’t have got his answer more wrong after attempting to solve a puzzle recently.

Matt was sitting on $9,900 (£7k) when he went for it on Thursday evening, clearly thinking he had the rest of the phrase sorted to fill the letters on the board which spelled THE N_ _ T _ _ N_ R _ T _ _ N.

While many a punter playing along at home may have had ‘The Next Generation’ in their heads and were shouting it at the screen, it’s not what poor Matt offered up.

He replied: ‘The best buttercup.’

Now, we’re not too sure what the best buttercup is or how Matt thought those missing letters somehow made up the phrase, but sadly, he couldn’t have missed the mark more if he tried.

After correctly guessing three Ns it seemed like Matt knew the direction the phrase was going in, so it’s no surprise viewers at home were beyond shocked at his bizarre attempt.

How on Earth the other two competitors were able to keep a straight face we’ll never know.

A very stunned host Pat Sajak even responded in disbelief, saying: ‘Uh, no. Oddly enough, no.’

For those wondering whether Matt got another shot at guessing the board, he was beaten to the opportunity by Dave who guessed the letter G before correctly solving the quandary.

‘”The best buttercup” sounds like something a person might say when the anesthesia wears off,’ one Wheel of Fortune fan account hilariously trolled, as another reacted on Twitter: ‘Not ONE letter in that word matched ‘buttercup’!’

Don’t feel too bad for the player, though, as Matt still went on to win the game, taking home $23,350 (£16k).

He can buy a load of best buttercups with that…whatever they are.

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