Ready to Break Up With Your Acne? This Skin-Care Brand May Be the Support You’ve Been Missing

Not unlike the boyfriend turned roommate who has an aversion to washing any of their dishes, acne can be the kind of thing you’re okay with tolerating for a while until you’re entirely over it and ready for greener (i.e. clearer) pastures. Unfortunately, the road to healthy, glowing skin can be a long one, muddled with frustration and stress. No matter what kind of acne you’re struggling with, it — at any scale — can take a toll emotionally. But this skin-care brand is offering a safe space to deal with it — all of it. Meet Face Reality Skincare.

What Is Face Reality?

When co-founded in 2005 by Laura Cooksey, a licensed esthetician, Face Reality set out to become a source for everyone struggling with their skin, no matter what their acne looked like or how it was affecting their life. Now, it’s a professional skin-care brand that partners you with a certified acne expert to get to the root of your skin concerns.

How Does Face Reality Work?

The journey truly begins once you find a certified acne expert, who can help in-person or virtually. The best way to do this is to use the brand’s expert locator.

So, you’ve met your certified acne expert — now, what? After your initial consultation, your expert will meet you where you are and devise a long-term treatment plan. Your Face Reality expert will be by your side the whole way through, ensuring regular check-ins, revising your product lineup to better suit your needs, and allowing you a space to feel however you want to feel about your acne. While the acne positivity movement is a powerful tool for self-acceptance, loving your skin 24/7 can be difficult, especially if you’re dealing with an active breakout.

Acne can be emotionally debilitating for many people who deal with every phase of a pimple (don’t get us started on scarring!), so finding a professional who’s in it for the long haul can make a huge difference, not only on your actual routine, but also in your life. Many people who work with a certified acne expert say they noticed results within a couple weeks, while tougher cases typically cleared in three to four months.

What Does a Face Reality Routine Look Like?

While Face Reality offers a range of acne-friendly products you can purchase directly from the brand, like a sulfur treatment, salicylic acid toner, and even an acne-safe starter kit, there are a handful of products, like the 8% L-Mandelic Serum (the brand’s gold-standard for treating acne and hyperpigmentation), that are only available through the recommendation of a certified acne expert. These products utilize acne-targeting active ingredients to help produce skin-clearing results. If you’re in need of a personalized routine that caters to your unique needs, it’s the latter you’ll want to seriously consider. And if it ever feels like your skin is getting used to the formulas you started with (yes, it can adapt, rendering them ineffective), your certified acne expert can adjust your product routine. After all, your relationship with your skin is an evolving one, so growing and bending with its needs is all part of the process.

Face Reality says it focuses on a holistic approach to skin care, so your treatment plan won’t just involve new products, but also a closer look at your lifestyle — do you sweat a lot? Do you spend a lot of time in a dry or dehydrating environment? How much sleep do you tend to get? All of these things may contribute to your skin health, and your certified acne expert can help get to the bottom of whatever is causing your breakouts. Real-life couples have relationship therapists, but you and your skin have Face Reality.

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